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STUDIOCOLONY designs all types of products.

The core competence is to make products and packaging attractive and understandable so that they meet the needs of customers. Sustainability serves as a compass from the initial sketch through to production.
Product- and Industrialdesign

It always starts with a conversation in which we listen to you carefully - to understand what ideas you have in mind and where the journey should go.

Using a structured process, we proceed step by step and offer you everything from a single source, from design to production support.

The design process (design thinking) is structured into the following steps.

1. research & analysis   

2. idea & conception   

3. design & prototyping   

4. testing & monitoring the implementation

Rapid Prototyping
Sooner or later in the process, there is no way around models. In order to check the ergonomics, handling and effects as early as possible, we create models. This saves everyone from costly surprises. Everything is possible, from cardboard mock-ups to detailed, 3D printed parts or the organization of a prototype in the final material.
Circular Illustration
Behind every product is a story. What makes the product special? Especially in the area of sustainability, you often need a simple, clear story that shows what makes the difference in this product. 
We tell your customers the story of your product - short, easy to understand and as beautiful as possible. Depending on the situation, in the form of graphics, illustrations or animation. Its the story that sells!
Circular Design Consulting
The circular economy requires good cooperation across the entire value chain. Whether materials research, logistics or recycling - we have a broad network and offer workshops where we bring the players together to develop suitable, real solutions from the very beginning.
To get a clear picture and to ensure that we have the same goal in mind, we present the concept in photorealistic form.    
The images make the product understandable.    
This makes it easier for you to make decisions in-house, as concrete images can be used as a basis for discussion.  
The images can also be used for marketing purposes.
Factory Sourcing
Especially when it comes to new, sustainable materials, the right partner companies that can also produce the idea are often missing.    
We share our constantly growing network and are happy to support you in your search for the right company.
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