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The first insight into our work

Six to ten times a year we send out a small insight into our everyday design work. To our customers, friends and the people we work with. We will be happy to keep you up to date. Greetings from Studiocolony.

Looking back, the highlights for us were certainly the new kitchen faucet - without calories but for more joy in cooking; the medical therapy device that takes care of therapists so that they can help others without pain; a dehydrator that is so efficient that one would prefer to dehydrate the whole grocery shop; the ideal Cargobike concept for small and very large things in urban areas; a miniature vehicle for all those who like to attract individual attention; the mirror cabinet for those who think they are beautiful, nice and friendly and for those who want to become so; the snack box for children that never needs detention; and many small design objects. Thank you for your trust in us.


Further education for us and for you.

We participated in the Plastics Update Conference of the Plastic Innovation Competence Center in November 2019.  We incorporate our knowledge of what is currently happening in the world of plastics and what new opportunities this opens up for the circular economy into product design. Further education for you and us, so that together we can thoroughly plan the future of products.



Since spring 2019, we are able to use a software that provides us with reliable data regarding the carbon footprint of products.

The findings are integrated directly into the design process - for the benefit of both the environment and your wallet. In this way, you can achieve the goals of ISO 14001 and design sustainable products. 


Design from consumption to use.

Being a design agency- dedicated to the circular economy. 

For Studiocolony, the shift to sustainable use is a process towards the future. From consumption to use: we will stay on top of the topic for you. For example: The EU Commission obliges manufacturers of household appliances to be more sustainable. From 2021, televisions, coffee machines, hoovers, washing machines, etc. must be designed in such a way that they are easier to repair. We are familiar with the guidelines of the EU Commission. We would be happy to discuss this with you.



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